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TPUG Toronto -- Superpet Distribution Disk for April 1984
describe.Apr/84 This describe file
filename_std:e This file contains the naming conventions to be used by
WATERLOO MICROEDITOR. WE would appreciate all contributions
to be named using this convention.
listprogram:ft A fortran program that (menu option 1) requests the current
date, searches a data base in a file named "LISTFILE" for
messages intended to be displayed on that date, & displays them
in an organized format. It also (menu option 2) requests and
stores new message records.
listfile:fdd An example of a 'message file' in the correct format for the
above program. It should be sorted into ascending order by the
first 7 fields, which can be done using 'PaperClip'. As an
example, enter date of 11/04/84
normplot:aws An APL workspace containing a function NORMPLOT which calls
two of Anscombe's functions INIF and SCATTERPLOT. If V is a
vector of numbers then 'NORMPLOT V' will create an arithmetic
probability plot of the points, which should form a straight
line if the numbers are normally distributed. Thus 'NORMPLOT V'
is an efficient visual check on whether the values in V are
normally distributed.
geig:aws An APL workspace containing a function GEIG which finds the
roots and vectors (eigenvalues and eigenvectors) of any real
square matrix, symmetrical or nonsymmetrical, by deflation
(repeated powering). For example the largest root of a
population projection matrix M , describing the factor by which
the population increases yearly over the long run, and the
associated vector which is the stable age distribution, can be
obtained by 'GEIG M'.
amortize:bt An amortization program for the analysis of mortage or loan
ballistics:bt Calculate the ballitics of any gun.
comments:e Submitters comments on the amortize and ballistics programs
ra.to.ha:ft Finds the local hour angle of a star given its right
ascention, the longitude of the observer, and the Greenwich
mean time that the observation is to be made.
rise.and.set:ft Given the right ascension and declination, the program
computes the rise and set of the object at those co-ordinates.
SP--LIST-ME This program provides the documentation on a master library for
catalogueing superpet disks. The following programs comprise
the system. It may only work on 4040 disk drives. A 6502 system
SP.SPETCAT1.4 This program builds a file on the disk in drive 1 called
'index+6' and a series of files named after your disk id's.
SP.MASTER LIST Goes through the 'index+6' file and the seperate id files for
for each diskette and makes a giant alphabetical list.
SP.PRINT ID USE Prints an alphabetical list of all locations currently in use,
and the id of the disks in use.
SP.PRINT MASTER Prints the master list of programs.
SP.SEARCH Searches through your index file for a specific program.
SP.LIST.DOUBLES Lists all files with the same title.
HOW 1.4 DIFFERS Describes improvements in release 1.4 of SP.SPETCAT
describe.apl.1:e A describe file for the first disk released by TPUG for the
SuperPET. This disk was called 'sp.apl.1'
* * * * * *
Assembled by Gerry Gold and Bill Dutfield , April 14,1984